Physis Secciones A, B y C.
Material type: Continuing ResourceAnalytics: Show analyticsPublisher: Buenos Aires : Asociación Argentina de Ciencias Naturales ISSN: 0326-1441.Subject(s): ARG -- _8 -- [0325-000 -- 0329-999] -- 19740125 | CIENCIAS FISICAS Y NATURALES | BiologíaNo physical items for this record
ASFA. Biological Sciences and Living Resources 0140-5373
ASFA. Ocean Technology, policy and Nonliving Resources 0140-5381
ASFA. Aquatic Pollution and Environmental Quality 1045-6031
ASFA. Aquaculture Abstract 0739-814X
ASFA. Marine Biotechnology Abstracts 1043-8971
Biological Abstracts 0006-3169
Forestry Abstracts 0015-7538
Georef 0197-7482
Review of Agricultural Entomology 0957-6762
Review of Medical and Veterinary Entomology 0957-6770
Zoological record (London) 0144-3607
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